White paper

Solstice Cloud Security Summit 2024

On June 20th, the Cyber Security Coalition organized an event in partnership with Accenture dedicated to Cloud Security. As organizations increasingly rely on cloud services, understanding and implementing robust cloud security measures has never been more crucial. Accenture presented Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) and how it is revolutionizing cloud security. The European Commission's explained its comprehensive approach to securing cloud environments. Participants also learned from KBC's cloud journey, including strategic decisions, evolutionary milestones, and critical security lessons.

CNAPP Unveiled: Transforming Cloud Security with Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms 

Frederik De Ryck, Senior Cyber Security Manager Accenture 

Frederik De Ryck is a Cyber Security Senior Manager at Accenture Security, having been with the company for the past 10 years. He primarily drives Cloud Security and is a dedicated member of the Cloud Security Focus Group. Frederik has a background in software engineering and possesses extensive knowledge in protocols, mobility, and security principles. He is passionate about emerging technologies, breaking stuff, and experimenting wherever possible. Frederik is also an author of whitepapers on confidential compute and sovereign cloud. Frederik embodies the trooper’s motto, “make the world a safer place,” through his work and dedication. He likes to give back to the community by engaging in social work and being a coder dojo coach. He excels both as a team player in small, efficient teams and as a leader and coordinator in large project teams. His clear communication with stakeholders and his ability to bring out the best in his team members make him a highly effective leader. 


The European Commission’s Path to Cloud Security Excellence 

Nicolas Kyriazopoulos-Panagiotopoulos, Head of Sector DIGIT C.1. European Commission 

Nicolas worked in different positions in IT until he became fascinated by how Cloud shortened the time between expression and fulfillment of a need. The immediacy and interactivity drew him to lead the team that performs the technical procurement and provides advice for all IaaS and PaaS in the 70+ European Institutions. Progressively this expanded into providing technical services, like the European Commission Landing Zone. Nicolas still retains his pre-cloud passions for music, gaming, cooking and UX. 


Navigating KBC’s Cloud Journey: Strategy, Evolution, and Key Security Insights  

Walter Adriaens, Delivery Manager KBC Group 

Walter Adriaens started in KBC as a system engineer and became a VMware expert for their datacenter. He then evolved to a team leader for the Windows and Linux teams for a few years. After leading the project making the customer facing channels “always on” for KBC, he became the lead infrastructure architect, managing the team of 15 infrastructure architects for several years and modernizing the infrastructure part of KBC. Now he is a department head for the teams responsible for all the on-premises servers in the datacenters of KBC and for the public cloud teams who design and manage the foundation services (or landing zone) and platforms for KBC’s public cloud. Apart from his job at KBC, he is also a moderator for the ECUC (http://ecuc.group ) and chair member of the Cloud Security Focus Group within the Cyber Security Coalition.