Cyber Security Awareness & Culture Manager

< 1 min leestijd

A fourth edition of the ‘Cyber Security Awareness & Culture Manager’ training programme will be organised in the spring of 2022. Register now!

The Certification as ‘Cyber Security Awareness & Culture Manager’ was created in 2019 by the Awareness Focus Group of the Cyber Security Coalition. This training programme for members by members combines members’ best awareness practices in cyber security and tackles the challenges of behavioural and cultural change.

Learn how to create your own awareness plan

Each module consists of both theoretical and practical exercises which will lead the participant to create their own cyber security awareness plan by applying the processes that have been created and refined by the trainers, who are experienced industry experts.

Participants who successfully complete the programme receive a Certification supported by the Cyber Security Coalition and the Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB).

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