“Cybersecurity is our right to privacy and our democracy”: an inspiring message of our Prime Minister Alexander De Croo

< 1 min leestijd

Last Thursday, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo addressed the Belgian cybersecurity community virtually at a ceremony organized by the Cyber Security Coalition to honour Belgium’s first Cyber Security Personality of the Year. The honour was for Mrs. Rosanna Kurrer, Co-founder, and Managing Director of CyberWayFinder.  

The Prime Minister emphasized that cybersecurity is not only a matter of economics. It is a matter of defending our most fundamental rights and freedoms: our right to privacy and our democracy.  

He congratulated Mrs. Kurrer for making the Belgian cybersecurity community stronger and smarter by increasing its diversity.  

He thanked the entire community for all their invisible but much appreciated efforts in protecting Belgian society from cyberattacks. 

In case you missed this inspiring message of our Prime Minister, you can watch the video below.

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About the author

Cathy Suykens joined the Cyber Security Coalition in April 2018 as Operations Manager. She boasts a longstanding career in the financial services industry in different domains with various assignments abroad.