Cookies, all you need to know – Webinar 19 November 2020

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Those pesky cookies! Website visitors hate them; publishers and the ad industry live or die by them (particularly ‘third party’ cookies). But what are cookies, who use them, how and why?

Many people don’t know all they should know about cookies. This presentation by Grégoire le Hardy and Emile Cras from Semetis – a digital advertising and BI company – succinctly provides that needed knowledge from a predominantly technological and operational point of view (the legal POV will be covered in a second session). The uses of cookies are listed, including a beneficial use for ‘frequency capping’ (limits the exposure of somebody’s ads to a particular user). The interests of the stakeholders too are discussed (publishers rely on cookies for about 50 percent of revenues). Furthermore, the cookie consent handling process is explained.

Of more importance yet in this presentation is an insight into a future without (‘third party’) cookies. Google’s statement of ‘Chrome phasing out third-party cookie by 2022’ puts pressure on finding alternatives for today’s advertising practices (and revenues). The Semetis experts discuss today’s Google Consent mode (conversion analytics without third party cookies), as well as ideas for alternative identifiers or solutions without direct cookie replacements (e.g. contextual targeting). Get your first glimpse of a cookieless future here!

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About the author

Guy Kindermans is a freelance journalist, specialized in information technology, privacy and business continuity. From 1985 to 2014 he was senior staff writer at Data News (Roelarta Media Group).