Privacy Focus Group: A question requires an answer – DPO Connect

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During the last Privacy Focus Group meeting, participating DPOs expressed a strong wish for an improved responsiveness of the DPA. In particular, shorter delays in answering questions would improve the effectiveness of the DPA, in line with the expressed intention as a source of information in the strategic plan of the DPA. Also, it must be possible to react faster to notifications to the DPA, or to questions addressed to the DPA relating to litigation or other procedures at hand.

A question requires an answer – DPO Connect

Of course, the Corona-pandemic resulted in more delays, but response times have been stretching in all kinds of communication with the DPA. Answers are important because organizations do want to know whether or not ‘they are crossing lines’. A strengthening of the knowledge centre operation with additional experts would be an obvious and fast help to improve the responsiveness of the DPA.

In response to the need of workable information/advice/answers on specific questions, the professional association of DPOs – DPOpro – initiated a complementary source of information: DPO Connect. It is designed as an additional platform linking DPO’s and the DPA. DPO Connect will be a place where DPOs can ask questions, with answers being provided by experts of the VUB of Brussels. The DPA will provide validation of answers to (a selection of) questions. In addition, the platform endeavours to provide a forum, where DPO’s can meet and exchange experiences, as well as find news, FAQs, a library and more (including a solid and tested search function).

DPO Connect is up and running, and can be found at (attention: .be, not .com).

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About the author

Guy Kindermans is a freelance journalist, specialized in information technology, privacy and business continuity. From 1985 to 2014 he was senior staff writer at Data News (Roelarta Media Group).